



超級美食~ 讚到爆了!!

Meidz Seafood
only gets better with time

歷久彌新,在沙鹿經營20 多 年的梅子餐廳,近年來在李逢家三兄弟的聯手下,以更精湛的廚藝、熱忱服務各地饕客,將梅子這眾所知的海鮮店老招牌,更推上一個新層峰。梅子一向以現撈生猛 活海鮮為主,直接以自己的漁船打撈並供應當日漁貨。餐廳提供了各種不同的魚、蝦、蟹、貝類,樣樣都鮮活看的見。跳脫以往,梅子新研發出更多中西合併的創意 菜,走向更樂活慢食的精緻美饌。
Although Meidz Seafood has existed in Taichung county's Shalu township for over two decades, recent years have seen this well-known seafood restaurant reach new Heights, thanks to the culinary skills and passion for service of the three Lee brothers. Meidz also serves fresh seafood caught on the same day by their own fishing vessel, including the live fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish that been seen here. Today, its focus is more on fusion cuisine that creatively melds Eastern and Western styles together for a more exquisite dining experience
頂級Prime無骨牛小排,油花分佈適中、肉 汁飽和不油膩,以大量紅酒熬煮的紅酒芥子醬汁澆淋其上,美味叉鮮嫩。
將野生烏魚子風乾後,散發香濃馥郁的油脂,吃起來綿實粘牙帶Q勁,並以蒜白削成薄片包裹,搭配綠茶製的蝦卵魚子醬優格。烏魚子的香、優格 的清新,創意的搭配,想不到的組合,全新顛覆您的昧奮。
蘋果以紅酒煨到入昧,中間塞入洋蔥、鮭魚、蘋果肉合炒的內餡,烹煮出這道透 著晶瑩紅琥珀色的蘋果。搭配純手工自製的蕃茄慕司,清爽微酸的番茄滋味,水果鮭魚的結合,鮮甜健康。
香橙龍膽石斑(300 元)

北海道新鮮帶子用油微煎,淋上自製的梅子醋、刷上些許柚子皮,甜美彈牙的帶 子加上柑酸微辛的口感,有著來自山林野地的清新美味。
Scallops with Plum Vinegar (NT$250)
Fresh scallops from Hokkaido are slightly fried with oil, then drizzled with homemade plum vinegar and brushed with some pomelo peels. The scallops' delicate texture and flavor mixed with the tangy pomelo peels represents a delicious fusion of land and sea.
地中海明蝦(400 元)

梅子餐廳 Meidz Seafood
台中縣 沙鹿鎮中山路473-2 號
473-2,ZhongShan Rd,Shalu Township ,Taichung County
(04) 2662·5365
營業時間/Hours :11am-2pm,5-9 pm
Credit cards accepted.
10%service charge.
Parking available.
由自家船隊所捕獲的澎湖野生明蝦,以胡麻油、橄欖油、芥子醬淋上,口感清爽 有原味。
Mediterranean Style Prawn(NT$400)
Wild prawns from Penghu are drizzled with sesame oil, olive oil and mustard for a fresh taste while retaining the original sweetness of the prawns.
平均一尾30公斤以上的野生龍膽石斑,佐以 酸甜的香橙汁,石斑魚的清甜、香橙汁淋上的魚肉爽口又有勁道。
Giant Grouper with Orange Sauce (NT$300)
A wild Giant Grouper of over 30 kilograms is cooked with sweet and sour orange sauce in this delightful combination of zesty flavors.
Red Wine Apple with Tomato Mousse (NT$350)
Apples are stuffed with onion, salmon and apple pieces, then stewed in red wine until they turn amber-red. This course is accompanied with a sour, light tomato mousse.
Taiwanese Salted-Dry Mullet Roe with Green Tea Caviar (NT$280)
The extravagant aroma and the firm texture of the air-dried wild mullet roe is wrapped within thin slices of garlic, accompanied by a caviar yogurt made with shrimp eggs. The thickly-flavored mullet roe combined with the lighter-tasting yogurt creates an innovative combination that will stimulate your taste buds.

紅酒蘋果佐蕃茄慕司(350 元)
Red Wine Mustard Sauce Steak (NT$400)
Boneless prime beef short ribs are topped with red wine mustard sauce. The fat on the meat is evenly spread, making it more tender and juicy without an oily taste.

台式烏魚子佐綠茶魚子醬(280 元)

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